Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How to Get Your Project Management Training in Nigeria

Are you preparing to take a professional Project Management training in Nigeria?

Project management (PM) is now one of the most sought after skills in the world because it is critical to the success of every organization. This has lead to a high demand in the number of Project Management Professionals (PMPs) both here in Nigeria and the world at large.

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The Case for Project Management in Nigeria

From Babaginda’s SAP, to Obasanjo’s NEEDS, to Yar’Adua’s Seven-Point Agenda, and now, Jonathan’s Transformation Agenda, the Nigerian landscape is well filled with uncompleted and abandoned projects worth trillions, and I mean trillions of Naira going down the drain.It is no longer news that according to the Presidential Projects Assessment Committee (PPAC) set up by President Goodluck Jonathan to look into cases of abandoned Federal Government projects on submitting its report, identified 11,886 of such ongoing or abandoned Federal Government projects all over the country. The committee also estimated the abandoned projects to be worth over N7 trillion. If projects planned and abandoned by State Governments were to be added to this list, the figure would be considerably much higher. And given that there is an alarming rate of abandoned projects in the country every year, the recorded figures therefore represents an incomplete estimate.

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